Did you know there are special pet blogging awards and this year will be the 3rd Annual BlogPaws “Nose-to-Nose” Social Media Pet Blogging Awards? I had no idea about this when I started blogging! And though I have only been blog a mere 10 months, I thought it would sure be great for some one to nominate me (hint, hint) and that I would become a finalist (I can dream).
I had a ton of questions about these awards so I’m sure you do too! So I have compiled a list of questions and answers which I like to refer to as Frequently Barked Questions. (FBQ’s)
Is this a popularity contest that I have to come back and vote for you every day?
NO! Isn’t that great? BlogPaws has a judging panel that judges each entry of each category independently from other entries using criteria developed by BlogPaws in which all categories and entries will be judged on creativity, originality and overall impression as it pertains to that nominated category.
Can I nominate more than 1 blog?
YES! If you have other blogs that are your favorites go ahead and nominate them too!
What are the categories for nominations?
Here is a list of categories :
- Best Cause Blog
- Best Dog Blog
- Best Cat Blog
- Best Other Pet Blog
- Best New Pet Blog
- Best Humor Blog
- Best Blog Post
- Best Design
- Best Pet Blog Photo
- Best Pet Blog Video
- Best Pet Microblogger
- Best Use of Social Media by a 501(c)3
Is there a deadline for nominations?
Nominations close Wednesday February 12th.
When are the winners announced?
Finalists will be announced on or about March 5th. The winners will be announced at the BlogPaws 2014 conference in Lake Las Vegas, NV during a live red carpet event on Saturday evening, May 10, 2014.
What information do I need to nominate OhMyShihTzu?
Homepage: https://www.ohmyshihtzu.com
Contact Name: Christine Paul
Contact Email: ohmyshihtzu@icloud.com
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/ohmyshihtzu
Twitter: @ohmyshihtzu
There are so many categories. How do I know which one to nominate you for?
Well I thought I would make that a little bit easy and made a list of what I thought were my best posts & pictures from this year. But if you come across something else in my blog that is your favorite please nominate that in the category that you think it best represents!
Best New Pet Blog (Nomination Link)
Best Blog Post (Nomination Link)
Post: It’s Not Just Old Age…Signs of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Link: https://www.ohmyshihtzu.com/its-not-just-old-age-signs-of-canine-cognitive-dysfunction/ Post: Not a Wordless Wednesday … Pet Safety CPR/First Aid Link: https://www.ohmyshihtzu.com/not-a-wordless-wednesday-pet-safety-cprfirst-aid/
Best Pet Blog Photo (Nomination Link)
This is truly my passion. So much can be said with a photo without saying a word. As Ansel Adams once said, “There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.” I hope you like my favorites from this years posts!
Name of Photo: Thankful Riley
Link to Photo: https://www.ohmyshihtzu.com/this-moment-see-beautiful-so-thankful-for-riley/
Link to Photo: https://www.ohmyshihtzu.com/black-white-sunday-its-a-sunny-sunday-2/

Link to Photo: https://www.ohmyshihtzu.com/supermodel-shih-tzu/

Link to Photo: https://www.ohmyshihtzu.com/wordless-wednesday-612-chicky/

All the pups & I from Oh My Shih Tzu want to thank you for considering us in your nominations.
Good luck 🙂 I definitely think you have a good chance at becoming a finalist in some category!
Good Luck Christine and Pups!
Hugs, Carrie (Myfie, Ellie and Millie) x
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