Last month I wrote about my Agility Training & Frustrations and I would like to tell you that the frustrations have ended, but unfortunately they have not. I have to be honest, after our practice session last friday I was so depressed that I completely forgot that I had … [Read more...] about Oh Riley, Come On … Shih Tzu Agility Training Frustrations
Dog Sports
Proud Mom of a Fit Dog!
If you don't know, I'm one proud momma. Riley and I are getting ready for our first Lure Coursing Trial in a few weeks... but that's not what makes me so proud of her. I am proud of her because of her awesome physique! But that doesn't come naturally, it comes with a lot of hard … [Read more...] about Proud Mom of a Fit Dog!
Shih Tzu Agility Training & Frustrations
I just love agility. Riley loves lure coursing, cats, goats, birds, chickens... you get the picture. So that means with Shih Tzu agility training comes frustration in my house or should I say my backyard and on the agility field. Granted I am fully aware that Riley is not a … [Read more...] about Shih Tzu Agility Training & Frustrations
Making Dog Agility Fun for Riley
For the past couple of weeks we have been saving money in preparation for our trip to the 2015 BlogPaws, for us that means taking a little break from our dog agility lessons that we drive 1.5 hours each way to attend. If you didn't know, here in Central California our gas prices … [Read more...] about Making Dog Agility Fun for Riley
Where in the World has Riley Been?
Hey everyone! Sorry we have been MIA for the past week. If you follow us on social media, then you already know. But if you don't, then I would like to apologize for taking so long to post. We received some devastating news. Trixie's lab results cam back from her mammary tumor … [Read more...] about Where in the World has Riley Been?