If you follow us on Instagram then you were probably brought here by this photo!
If you notice, one meal is different from the rest. But why? Well that brings me to the title of our post today, “That Noise in the Middle of the Night!”. If you have kids or pets you know exactly what I am talking about. That noise of retching from the deep, deep pits of a very upset tummy… and the tsunami that follows. But what I find truly amazing is the simple fact that I can instantly stop bullets and become Wonder Woman as I leap to my feet to control the situation.
Okay I may be stretching that a little. I may want to believe that I can stop bullets, or in this case the tsunami of dog puke that is about to hit shore. In actuality that is not the case and that is not what happened. What really happened is that the puke spewed all over my leather couch… since I am currently battling my own sinus infection, the couch and recliner provide a much more comfy environment for me. So I am grateful for leather couches and I was able to leap out of a dead sleep in a single bound, but unfortunately the towel was just slightly out of reach for me to catch any of what ejected out of Riley’s mouth and then covered her tail as she whipped around. What I want to know, is how can someone be able to do all that in a split second while being pulled out of a deep REM cycle?
As it turned out this must have been the second or third puke fest of the wee hours of the morning. Yes, my feet became fully aware that the tsunami of dog puke I had just encountered was the not the first of the evening after I fell asleep. Which I would like to extend this little bit of advice when you are dealing with a massive sinus infection, always be aware to the prescription meds you take before you fall asleep! After the puke fest that woke me up, the Riley tsunamis continued until the wee, wee hours of the morning. Once the clock hit 8 am we were off to the vet!
So now for the next couple of days Riley will be moving away from her raw diet and eating plain cooked chicken, along with some tummy meds to stop the nausea and keep the acid re-flux at bay.
I was hoping that this weekend would be filled with a trip to Hollister, CA for our first Coursing Ability Test, but that just wont happen. There is no need to push my little girl when she isn’t feeling well. But once she is better we will continue our training and be ready for some racing come September!
If you are one of our Instagram followers I would like to thank you for stopping by today. If you aren’t, what are you waiting for? There are some cool things happening on Instagram right now. Did you know that WagAware.com is saving a ton of dog lives by donating to shelters? 50% of their profits go to rescue dogs with the sale of their charms! And now until June 15, WagAware will donate 50% of ALL SALES to Save a Shelter Shih Tzu Rescue (SASS Rescue).
Though our post today was not so wordless, we are participating in Wordless Wednesday hosted by BlogPaws!

Poor pooch. Are the two of you feeling any better?
Riley is doing much better… still a little acid reflux now and then … but overall doing well 🙂
Oh my, we hope she feels better soon ! We send her tons of healing purrs ! Purrs
The Swiss Cats recently posted…4 conseils pour éviter un coup de chaleur à votre chat
Aw, poor pup. I always hate that sound and I always feel so terrible for the poor sick puppy! I hope she feels better soon.
Jodi Chick (+ Kolchak & Felix too) recently posted…Felix the Mystery Mutt: Why I Want to Try Wisdom Panel® 3.0
I hope she feels better soon. I picked up some Perfect Form from Honest Kitchen at BlogPaws for transition stuff.
Carol Bryant recently posted…Ten Fun Dog Products You Need to Own
Aww… poor Riley. Feel better soon. And the mom person too!
Christy Paws recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Contemplation
Thanks so much…I’m just hoping my baby will feel better soon… I’ve adjusted to dealing with sinus infections… but she doesn’t know why she doesn’t feel good 🙁 so sad.
Ah yes, the familiar “hork, hork”. It will raise you from a deep sleep as you run to get them to at least an uncarpeted area if you can’t make it outside.
Andrea @ This Pug Life recently posted…Road Tripping with Pug & Molly
Ohh… I don’t even think I could move that fast! lol the great thing is that leather couches do clean up very easily!!
Poor Riley – sounds like it was a rough night. Hope recovery comes quick
Aw, poor Riley! 🙁 I hope she feels better soon! Also, I know “The Noise” all too well – in fact, I’ve grown SO used to the “urp, urp” sound in the night that I usually have time to move our pup into the bathroom onto tile floor…It is a superpower of sorts 😉
Chelsea Price recently posted…BlogPaws 2015: What I Learned
Wow that is a superpower!! I just can’t move that fast…but what is even worse is how used to it you have become… lol 🙂
Sorry to hear you’ve both been unwell…. I’ve been sick for the last week too, but slowly starting to feel better. Take care of yourselves.
Pawesome Cats recently posted…BlogPaws 2015 Conference Highlights
Poor little baby! I was lucky, and got my pup all the way to the bathroom and puking into the toilet during her tummy bug last week. I hope Riley is feeling better really soon!
Cole recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – The Twin Terrors
Wow!!! That is amazing! Now I am really impressed at that fact! Hope she recovered well 🙂
The sounds of puking are quite a way to wake up…in this house it’s usually hairballs 🙂 Hope Riley feels better quickly!
I know that sound all to well also… I think my cat has taught herself to cough up all hair balls outside!!
I hope your baby feels better! You really made me laugh with this post as I have become super woman as well when it comes to these situations, lol.
Abby Chesnut recently posted…BlogPaws 2015 Recap
OMG!! Thanks so much! Since BlogPaws I have really wanted to develop a story more than normal and make it a little humorous! You have made my day!
Oh poor pup, and poor you! Sounds like you both need a little rest and relaxation this week. I hope you’re both on the mend very soon!
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie
Jean Dion recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Sunbathing Boston terrier
Thanks I hope so too… I’m feeling better… but we’ll have an update tomorrow about Riley 🙁
Oh no! Get well soon!!!!
Carleen recently posted…When Your Dog Has Lymphoma
Thanks Carleen! At least for now my antibiotics are kicking in 🙂
I am so sorry she went through this. I hope her new diet will fix everything
dogvills recently posted…5 Cutest Pitbull Puppies Caught On Video
I am hoping something will get better…docs don’t know what is wrong …so we are just waiting hoping the meds will help.
Aw man… what a pleasant way to wake up! Sorry to hear that Riley isn’t feel well. Hope that the stomach virus passes quickly so that you all can get back to your training!
I hope so too… it’s always so much fun to see her chase a white plastic bag around a field!!
I hope Riley feels better soon. Cody has a very sensitive stomach so we are often awakened by that noise in the middle of the night.
Thanks Sharon… I may have to do some research about dogs with sensitive tummies very soon….
Nothing makes me spring out of a deep slumber like the sound of impending puke! I hope that Riley feels better ♥
M. K. Clinton recently posted…Do You Have a Hot Dog?
LOL! It’s amazing how that sound can do that to you 🙂
Aw Riley. We send hugs, and sure hope you feel better very soon.
Earl Lover recently posted…Om Nom Nom
Thanks so much Earl!! We hope to be out taking jumps as soon as we can!
I hope Riley feels better soon!
Rachel Sheppard recently posted…Blanket Philosophy: A PrideBites Tale
Oh yes mom remembers waking up in the middle of night to a cat projectile vomiting so she’s been there! We hope that Riley is feeling better now! Love Dolly
Dolly the Doxie recently posted…Watching Taffy’s Back
Sending love your way! Hope you two feel better 🙂
Thank you! I’m still coughing and she is sleeping… so I guess we are just hanging in together 🙂
Aw, feel better. Sending healing hugs.
ohh hugs are good! Thanks for sending them 🙂
Awww, feel better Riley. Thats the worst for you and Mom when you arent feeling good!
I so agree… I can deal with the illness… but I hate to see her a little sad 🙁