Katie Shih Tzu, aka Boo-da-roo
Katie Shih Tzu made me a foster failure! One thing that I believe in most is RESCUE! And with all my Tzu’s it goes to show you that, Yes, you can find purebred dogs in shelters or rescues. For me it happened on April 29, 2010. I was hanging out at my favorite rescue Animal Compassion Team (ACT) when they had a little store front in the mall. As I was sitting there a lady and her daughter walk in with this very sad looking Shih Tzu. I watched everything closely becuase I didn’t know what was happening. About 20 minutes later the lady and her daughter leave and a little Shih Tzu is left in a crate. I immediately run up and ask what happened. As it turned out she was surrendered to the rescue. I asked if they had a foster and they said “YOU!”
As it turned out, Katie had a multitude of problems. Infections in both ears, a systemic bacterial & yeast infection, skin allergies and possible food allergies also. These were all things I felt I needed to get under control before she could be placed into a home, because after all I was only fostering her at the time… lol yeah right!
Fast forward to today. No more ear infections, heck I can’t even remember when her last one was. She still suffers from allergies, but we have that under control with Claritin during the good times and Atopica during allergy season. When we first started trials with dog food to determine if there were food allergies we used the vet prescribed food, but I wasn’t sure about those ingredients. Then I was educated about giving her raw, so we fed Nature’s Variety raw Rabbit. My current food of choice is Fromm, in the grain-free formula.
Now unlike Riley, Katie is moody, prejudice against all dogs except Shih Tzu’s, unwilling to share her food with others and the prettiest little thing ever. I wouldn’t trade her for the world!