Having your dog learn left and right is not only great for agility, but can be used for many other venues also. It can also make for a cute parlor trick too!
Teaching left and right is easy. There are many different ways to teach this, but my favorite is starting out with a turn. You’ll learn very quickly if you do is left or right paw dominate.
I found a perfect video on how I have taught left and right in the past. I am extremely sorry that I do not have video for you, but Riley has been very ill lately with a very bad case of gastroenteritis. So I will be relying on other people’s videos for this next week. I am hoping she’ll be up for some taping this weekend.
Please note that this video goes through teaching very fast. Teaching your dog will not be this quick and must be taken in steps.
Thanks for joining me today , in another installment of the A to Z Challenge.
Ah, I hope Riley is feeling back to normal soon!
I wasn’t very technical when I began with Earl… so Earl doesn’t know left and right too amazingly, however I have already taught young Ethel to go left and right round wings.
Earl Lover recently posted…M is for Mending