It’s been a few days since OMST has been around, and for good reason. We have been visiting our Nations Capital this weekend! Yes Riley was able to experience all the beauty and majesty we know as Washington D.C.
At the beginning of the week, we were able to go to Baltimore and watch our Seattle Mariners play against the Orioles. But on Wednesday we drove to Gettysburg to view the battlefields of the Civil War. We first started out at the Gettysburg Visitor Center and Museum.
On Thursday we got lucky and received a tour of the White House. Sorry we don’t have pics of being inside (they will confiscate your phone) but we were able to catch a little snap shot of her outside the gates!
Later that afternoon we were able to visit our Congressman Devin Nunes’ office in the Longworth Building! They gave us a tour of the capital which was so much fun. We felt even more special when the other group didn’t show up! If you ever visit DC and you know in advance, make arrangements with your Congressman’s office for a special tour of the capital. We contacted their office 5 months ahead, and they not only arranged the Capital tour but also the tour of the White House!!!
If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook then you might have seen these pictures tagged with #NunesSelfieTour, his intern staff had this great idea for a cool selfie tour of the capital! I think we were the very first ones to complete it!
On Friday we visited museums which you’ll be able to read about later. Saturday was the day to visit the monuments which turned out to be a perfect day. We took a tour with the Old Town Trolley Co. which was fun and the bus drivers were so knowledgeable about DC, well they are Washingtonians. Several monuments we stopped at included Franklin Delano Roosevelt:
And the World War II Memorial:
We also visited the Martin Luther King Memorial, Korean War Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial and the Vietnam Memorial. I will share all these pictures at a later date.
Our journey has not ended, we are now in the great state of Tennessee! and will be joining a bunch of pet bloggers in a few days at the 2015 BlogPaws Conference.
We are happy to be joining our friends MyBrownNewfies, SnoopysDogBlog & AlfiesBlog for Monday Mischief! Please be sure to check out the other great bloggers below for their weekend recaps!

Have a happy Memorial Day. You met Abe!!
Lily & Edward
Thanks!! Hope you had a great day! Riley just loved meeting Abe 🙂
I love that your dog poses for the camera … mine doesn’t. Hates it. Am I correct that blogpaws starts at noon on Thursday? Nothing Thursday morning? Hope to see you there.
Yes… the Exhibit area opens at noon and the only thing in the morning is an exercise group, for those that like to get up and exercise in the morning 🙂 Be sure to seek us out 🙂
these are just amazing photos and I am so happy you are having such a good time!!!!! Happy Memorial Day!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Memorial Day
Love DC and have been several times, but will have to go many more to see everything. Such a fun place. As I read your post, I noticed you spoke of getting your phone confiscated if you took photos in the White House. I was wondering… what type of phone do you have that can take these kinds of photos? Your photos are always amazing!
These pics were shot with my iPhone 6+. I also use Snapseed as my go to app for any and all photo editing. and thank you for the compliment, but I also must tell you that I have been to school for photography so I take lighting, backgrounds and almost everything else into consideration when taking an image… I just love photography 🙂
Absolutely apparent.
Awwhhh, wish we knew you were headed this way, the boys and I would have loved to hang out with you both. Have fun, love the photos – keep it up.
awe… I’m sorry too. Can’t wait to see you in a couple of days at Blogpaws… and to tell you the truth, things were crazy while we were in DC, it just seemed to fly by.