Kamalie, Super Shih Tzu Saturday Shih Tzu of the Week
Today’s Super Shih Tzu Saturday Shih Tzu of the week is Kamalie!
Hi! My name Kamalie (KAH-MY-LEE- Hawaiian for protector)
I am a 6 years-old.
What are your favorite foods? Do you like fruit or veggies?
ANYTHING CHICKEN!!! I will only eat sweet potatoes or yams if chicken is wrapped around them.
What is your favorite toy?
Strangely, I am really not into toys.
Do you have a special place you like to be, either your bed, a trip to the beach or even a secret hiding spot?
My favorite place is ANYWHERE where my Momma is. I love the car, going to the park, taking walks.
Do you perform any special tricks?
The only trick I have is giving mommy ‘the look’ and she is putty in my paws..
What is the funniest thing you have done to your mummy and daddy?
It’s funny and embarrassing… when we are at the pet store when she jumps from the cart ON TO the check out counter!
Do you have a bff?
My sisters, Kaycee, age 5 (she was my 1st Birthday present that momma got me) and my other sister who came to us in 2010, Lexie, age 7.
This last question is for your mummy or daddy. If you could talk, what celebrity or person would you sound like?
Lady Gaga
Momma Lynne’s Tidbits
I actually have 3 Shih Tzu’s. This is the only breed I have ever had. She is such an amazingly smart little girl. She knows what I am thinking and feeling. I always say she is the other half of me. One of her favorite things to do is ride in the car. She loves to play with her ‘sisters’, Kaycee, age 5 and Lexie (Kaycee’s real mama), age 7. She truly saved me much more than I saved her.
A special Thank You to Lynne Biggin for submitting Kamalie as the Super Shih Tzu Saturday Shih Tzu of the Week!
If you would like to submit your Shih Tzu for our Super Shih Tzu Saturday Shih Tzu of the week, you can do so HERE ,– click link!
Aw! Kamalie is so lovely! Great photo effect too, especially on the 1st one!
Lots of Woofs from Earl and I at Earl’s World!
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