Bailey, Super Shih Tzu Saturday Shih Tzu of the Week
Today’s Super Shih Tzu Saturday Shih Tzu of the week is Bailey! Bailey comes to us from across the pond in jolly ol’ England.

Bailey. I’m from Suffolk in England
I get called Bailey Boo, Mr Bailey and occasionally Imelda Marcos when I’m naughty and take shoes!
I’ll be two in September, not long until my birthday!
I’m a Boy
What are your favorite foods?
I love my food and treats, I especially love roast dinners Sunday is the best day of the week as it means I get a little bit of what the humans are having. I know the words ‘roast chicken’ as its my favourite and gets me very excited! I love liver treats, gravy bones and if I’m good I can have a little bit of toast and scrambled egg as a special treat .
What is your favorite toy?
I have a teddy elephant and a little white dog called baby. I like pulling at their ears and tails and carrying them around. I also love my little football, playing ball is the best. I do occasionally get a little bit naughty and take shoes and pull off socks it’s my mischievous side!
Do you have a special place you like to be, either your bed, a trip to the beach or even a secret hiding spot?
The beach, I’ve recently moved from London to the seaside and I love it! I’m getting brave now and starting to get my paws wet, its great fun I also love to be up high, I’m not that fond of the floor so sitting on a chair, the sofa or under the TV on the cabinet shelf suits me fine. I also like sitting under tables this doubles up as my hiding place when my face needs cleaned or when it’s bedtime, I run under there and wait for the humans to try to get me out hee hee!
Do you perform any special tricks?
I know hi-five- B loves me doing this one and I get a treat so I’m happy. Also I can give her my paw and jump up on my back legs and walk along just like how the humans walk
What is the funniest thing you have done to your mummy and daddy?
Well I was a bit naughty and jumped over the stair gate when I was little. I went upstairs and gave my owners mum quite a shock when she found me! Also I’m a little bit famous I’ve been shown on Breakfast TV here in England. My owner has relatives in Scotland and they sent me a little kilt to wear for Burns Night (Scottish thing I was told). Anyway the presenter of the TV show is Scottish & she loved me in my kilt said I was cute (which of course is true).

Do you have a bff?
My family is my bffs. I also have friends when I occasionally go to doggy daycare. I get to meet lots of doggy friends at the beach too.
This last question is for your mummy or daddy. If you could talk, what celebrity or person would you sound like?
Bailey would sound like Colin Firth. He’s a little gentleman, a true Mr Darcy.
Bernadette’s Tidbits
Bailey is a great dog very loyal and super friendly. He’s very nosy, likes to explore and loves to be around people. He’s a great companion and is no trouble never barks at other dogs, adores his food and loves nothing more than when he’s on his bed with his favourite chew toy!
A special Thank You to Bernadette for submitting Bailey as the Super Shih Tzu Saturday Shih Tzu of the Week!
If you would like to submit your Shih Tzu for our Super Shih Tzu Saturday Shih Tzu of the week, you can do so HERE ,– click link!