No one deserves to go through the heartache of losing a pet, let alone 5 in one year. You’ve seen her previously in a WW post and her beautiful eyes have graced BlogPaws before… but yesterday I lost Baby Kitty tragically. She was hit by a car. I don’t know how it happened as she was indoors all the time and hated to go outside. I can not understand this at all. She was only 6 years old. May you rest in peace my baby.
Rainbow Bridge
By the edge of a wood, at the foot of a hill, is a lush, green meadow where time stands still. Where the friends of man and woman do run, when their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next, is a place where each beloved creature finds rest. On this golden land, they wait and they lay, till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness, for here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness. Their limbs are restored, their health renewed, their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care, until one day they start, and sniff at the air. All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back, then all of a sudden one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met; Together again both person an pet. So they rush to each other, these friends from long past, the time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart, has turned into joy once more in each heart. They embrace with a love that will last forever, and then side-by-side, they cross over together…
inspired by a Norse legend
🙁 what tragic
Ruckus the Eskie recently posted…Syzygium Malaccense
I am so sorry for your loss. I too lost my sweet companion of eighteen years early this week To lose such a lively and lovely little thing so young is a deep deep sorrow. \
I have a tribute to my Pearl at the end of my blog.
Thank you so much Fran… I am so sorry for your loss.
Oh gosh. so sorry to hear……
Thank you so much Kate.
Beautiful pictures. Again, I am so sorry.
2 brown dawgs recently posted…This ‘N That Thursday
Oh I am so sad fore your loss.
Laika recently posted…Sløv dag.
thank you so much
We lost Dash Kitten to a dog attack on 6th September – we feel your hurt, your distress and your heartbreak. I wish I could take away your hurt and your tears, I am so very very sorry.
Harvey, Miranda, Silver and Marjorie
harvey Button recently posted…2014 Giveaway for Wordless Wednesday Blog Paws Blog Hop
🙁 I am so sorry about Dash. Thank you for your kind words… I hope Dash & BK find each other at the Rainbow Bridge.
I’m sooooo sorry to hear about your loss. That is just tragic! All of us at Playful Kitty will be praying and purring for you as you mourn your loss. Baby kitty was a beautiful cat.
Playful Kitty recently posted…Christmas Songs from Manna Part 2 & Blog Hop
Thank you so much… even though OMST is mostly about the Tzus, we loved our kitty very much
It’s never easy hearing about the passing of pets – we’re never prepared. I’m really sorry to hear about your loss.
BoingyDog recently posted…Rescue Bling Is the New Thing @WagAware #Giveaway
Thank you… and you are right, even when it’s expected your not prepared…. but now I am numb. I still cry almost every day for JoeJo and now Baby K…. not fair.
So so sorry for your loss. Her pic looks like my old rescue cat Nala. I used to worry a lot as she roamed everywhere-now she prefers snoozing. Sending virtual hugs. I know the next weeks will be tough but I hope 2014 will be a great new year for you – I’ll be joining you on the weight loss quest X S Talent Hounds
Ohh Susan thank you so much. It is going to be hard, but I know I need to stay strong for the rest of the pack, as she was so much like a little dog.
Oh no, we are so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of licks and hugs your way.
Roy & Shefali
followingroy recently posted…I am Roy….the Explorer Dog
Thanks for all the licks and hugs… they are so welcome!!
She was gorgeous! I’m so sorry for your loss.
As a new cat owner, that is one of my worse nightmares is that my little Rino escapes outside and gets hurt. So I can’t imagine how you feel.
Stay strong. Thank you so much for your sharing and inspiring.
Awkward Penguin recently posted…Wordless Wednesday #1 – Best Bed Everrrrrrr
Thank you… keep the little Rino safe and hug him/her lots.
We saw this on Wordless Wednesday and wanted to let you know that we’re so sorry for your loss. Many purrs of comfort from all of us.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You recently posted…Almost Wordless Wednesday
Thank you so much… I think my other cat is starting to feel suffocated because I don’t stop hugging her.
Aww, we are so sorry for your loss 🙁
She will be remembered in our hearts, forever.
We are number 131, come on by
Purrs and love coming your way.
Christine L recently posted…Wordless Wednesday!
I will definitely stop by… we love siamese 🙂
Oh I’m so sad for you, losing your lovely cat. This is just terrible, and you must be devastated. Though I am visiting for the first time, you have touched my heart. I’ll be thinking of you, hoping you will find comfort in memories and friends.
Amy recently posted…Wordy Wednesday: Cecil and Orlando
Thank you so much Amy… I truly appreciate you stopping by
Im so sorry for your loss! What a tragedy,, shows how unfair the world can really be. I hope she made it safely to the rainbow ridge and is now your guardian angel! paw hugs Leah And Kirby
thank you so much Leah, and Kirby too 🙂
I am so very sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl she was! Having lost both cats and a dog in tragic ways, I know only too well how painful it is. We do all we can to keep them safe, but sometimes we just can’t control everything. Please know that my thoughts are with you.
Jan K recently posted…Meet the Blogger Blog Hop
Thank you so much Jan… I feel so numb to all of this.
I am sorry for your loss. It’s never easy losing a pet, especially when it’s in such a tragic way. I hope you are still able to enjoy the Holiday season and feel comforted by the fact that you gave her a good life.
Nailah Bone recently posted…Meet the Cat part of Puppy & Cat!
Oh that is so sad. We are sending you purrs and hugs right now.
Jobi and Fisher recently posted…Taking a Break
I’m so very sorry for your loss. Please know that my thoughts are with you. Baby Kitty was beautiful and her life was cut short. But it was a great life because of you.
Jody Green recently posted…Blog Paws Wordless Wednesday – 18 December 2013
Thank you so much Jody… we were so lucky to have found each other.
I am so sorry you have to go through this. I think sudden deaths are the hardest because there is no way to prepare for them. I wish I could make things better but I know I can’t. Please know that I am thinking of you and praying that this will be the last of the sorrow you will have to feel.
Hugs and kisses
Carma Poodale
carma Poodale recently posted…WW- Pawicure Please
Thank you Carma… its so hard. She was and always will be our Baby Kitty, though she wasn’t a baby. I had always wanted a tortoise shell coated cat…. she was just beautiful in every way… she would have just loved you 🙂
I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby. We’ll keep you in our thoughts.
Me, You and Zu
Me, You and Zu recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – December 18
I appreciate it… thank you so much.
I’m sorry to hear of your loss, RIP Baby Kitty.
Sheba’s Life Story recently posted…Wordless Wednesday.
Thank you.
I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through. I want you to know that I am thinking of you. Even if you do not feel the strength and the sadness overcomes you I want you to know that the best gift your baby kitty had in life was you. There could never have been any one else who could have given her the life you did. And what now you might say is next? I think at times people don’t realize that a loss might open the door for another to have a home. Another whose life might be cut short should a home not become available in a shelter. Another who never had a good life to begin with and doesn’t know what that is like. An opportunity to have a happy, loving momma such as you… You cannot replace what was lost, but you can open your heart in honor of that loss and share that love. May the memories of your baby kitty sustain you. WOOF>
Thank you so much… your words are so comforting.
Man, you’ve had a really hard year. I am so sorry. I am so proud of you for going after your photography dream though and committing to losing weight in spite of all your heartache. I’ll be watching your weight loss for my own motivation 🙂
Jessica @YouDidWhatWithYourWeiner recently posted…From Behind the Camera: 17 Little Known Facts About Me
I hope next year is better… I cant’ have another year like this. This is the hard part about having furkids… they tend to go before you, but this has been to much to handle :'( I hope I can have a great year with the weight loss, it stopped last year due to all my little furkids deaths… I gotta find the strength .