My first Wordless Wednesday and I am more frustrated cuz I can’t get the Javascript to work!! But on a lighter note, I left Riley at my mom’s so she could watch her while I went away for a few days… I wasn’t gone more than 5 hours when I was texted this pic!! Needless to say mom doesn’t babysit anymore! LOL
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Hi there!
Finn and I wanted to let you know we nominated your blog for two blogging awards. The details are on our website:
Coralee and Finn
OMG!! Thank you sooo much!! We just started this blog and you have made our day!! Sorry for the delay in replying to you… with 8 dogs in the household time can just get away!!
So great – love this – mud rocks he he
That happens to our boys at grandmas too… we don’t go visit as often as they’d like!
I bets Riley loves going to Grandma’s … what dog doesn’t love a dip in the mud or a roll in the ick. I thinks you are mistaken if you don’t takes Riley there … just ask Riley 🙂
Izzi @ From The sol
She’s making the “I so sowwy :(” face, but you know she had a great time.
Oh, Riley, looks like you had fun at grandma’s. Happy First Wordless Wednesday! Looking forward to seeing more of your adventures.
Oh wow! Looks like a mess for someone to clean, but it looks like Riley probably had a fun time…until the bath! 🙂
Oh… my… dog. Looks like someone will be needing a bath before getting into bed tonight! Happy WW aka Wednesday Washday.
How on earth!? Someone was havin’ fun!
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Mud puddles are the BEST!!
But oh, what fun she had! I bet she wants to go live with Gramma!
LOL…but what a cute face. And she probably had fun.
Oh, dear! I guess a little dirt doesn’t hurt once in a while!
Hi Y’all!
My Human says…it can happen to anyone!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Hahah, I bet it was fun while it lasted!! Happy WW! Following from the blog hop!!
Absolutely funny and Adorable!
Woof! Woof! What a cutie. Happy 1st BlogPaws WW. Make sure when you insert the code you are in text mode. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar